Journal Articles
Guilherme Pereira C, Edwards JA, Khasanova A, Carlson A, Brisson V, Schaefer E, Glavina del Rio T, Tringe S, Vogel JP, Des Marais DL, Juenger TE & Mueller UG. 2025. Breeding of microbiomes conferring salt tolerance to plants. bioRxiv 2025.01.13.632835. [PDF]
Heckman RW, Guilherme Pereira C, Aspinwall MJ & Juenger TE. 2024. Physiological Responses of C4 Perennial Bioenergy Grasses to Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, and Constraints. Annual Review of Plant Biology 75, 18.1-33. [PDF]
Westerband AC, Wright IJ, Maire V, Paillassa J, Prentice IC, Atkin OK, Bloomfield KJ, Cernusak LA, Dong N, Gleason SM, Guilherme Pereira C, Lambers H, Leishman MR, Malhi Y & Nolan RH. 2022. Coordination of photosynthetic traits across soil and climate gradients. Global Change Biology 29, 856-873. [PDF] [HTML]
Falster D, Gallagher R, Wenk E, Wright IJ, Indiarto D, Baxter C, Andrew SC, Lawson J, Allen S, Fuchs A, Adams MA, Ahrens CW, Alfonzetti M, Angevin T, Atkin OK, Auld T, Baker A, Bean A, Blackman CJ, Bloomfield K, Bowman D, Bragg J, Brodribb TJ, Buckton G, Burrows G, Caldwell E, Camac J, Carpenter R, Catford JA, Cawthray GR, Cernusak LA, Chandler G, Chapman AR, Cheal D, Cheesman AW, Chen SC, Choat B, Clinton B, Clode PL, Coleman H, Cornwell WK, Cosgrove M, Crisp M, Cross E, Crous KY, Cunningham S, Curtis E, Daws MI, DeGabriel JL, Denton MD, Dong N, Duan H, Duncan DH, Duncan RP, Duretto M, Dwyer JM, Edwards C, Esperon-Rodriguez M, Evans JR, Everingham SE, Firn J, Fonseca CR, French BJ, Frood D, Funk JL, Geange SR, Ghannoum O, Gleason SM, Gosper CR, Gray E, Groom PK, Gross C, Guerin G, Guja L, Hahs AK, Harrison MT, Hayes PE, Henery M, Hochuli D, Howell J, Huang G, Hughes L, Huisman J, Ilic J, Jagdish A, Jin D, Jordan G, Jurado E, Kasel S, Kellermann J, Kohout M, Kooyman RM, Kotowska MM, Lai HR, Laliberté E, Lambers H, Lamont BB, Lanfear R, van Langevelde F, Laughlin DC, Laugier-Kitchener BA, Lehmann CER, Leigh A, Leishman MR, Lenz T, Lepschi B, Lewis JD, Lim F, Liu U, Lord J, Lusk CH, Macinnis-Ng C, McPherson H, Manea A, Mayfield M, McCarthy JK, Meers T, van der Merwe M, Metcalfe D, Milberg P, Mokany K, Moles AT, Moore BD, Moore N, Morgan JW, Morris W, Muir A, Munroe S, Nicholson A, Nicolle D, Nicotra AB, Niinemets U, North T, O’Reilly-Nugent A, O’Sullivan OS, Oberle B, Onoda Y, Ooi MKJ, Osborne CP, Paczkowska G, Pekin B, Guilherme Pereira C, Pickering C, Pickup M, Pollock LJ, Poot P, Powell JR, Power SA, Prentice IC, Prior L, Prober SM, Read J, Reynolds V, Richards AE, Richardson B, Roderick ML, Rosell JA, Rossetto M, Rye B, Rymer PD, Sams MA, Sanson G, Schmidt S, Schulze ED, Sendall K, Sinclair S, Smith B, Smith R, Soper F, Sparrow B, Standish R, Staples TL, Taseski G, Thomas F, Tissue DT, Tjoelker MG, Tng DYP, Tomlinson K, Turner NC, Veneklaas E, Venn S, Vesk P, Vlasveld C, Vorontsova MS, Warren C, Weerasinghe LK, Westoby M, White M, Williams N, Wills J, Wilson PG, Yates C, Zanne AE & Ziemińska K. 2021. AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora. Scientific Data 8, 254. [PDF] [HTML] [Metadata]
Guilherme Pereira C, Hayes PE Clode PL & Lambers H. 2021. Phosphorus toxicity, not deficiency, explains the calcifuge habit of phosphorus-efficient Proteaceae. Physiologia plantarum 172, 1724-1738. [PDF] [HTML]
Lambers H*, Wright IJ*, Guilherme Pereira C*, Bellingham PJ, Bentley LP, Boonman A, Cernusak LA, Foulds W, Gleason SM, Gray EF, Hayes PE, Kooyman RM, Malhi Y, Richardson SJ, Shane MW, Staudinger C, Stock WD, Swarts ND, Turner BJ, Turner J, Veneklaas EJ, Wasaki J, Westoby M & Xu Y. 2020. Leaf manganese concentrations as a tool to assess belowground plant functioning in phosphorus-impoverished environments. Plant and Soil 461, 43-61. [PDF] [HTML] | * joint-first authors
Guilherme Pereira C & Des Marais DL. 2020. The genetic basis of plant functional traits and the evolution of plant-environment interactions. International Journal of Plant Sciences 181 (1), 56-74. [PDF] [HTML]
Shi Q, Pang J, Yong JWH, Bai C, Guilherme Pereira C, Song Q, Wu D, Dong Q, Cheng X, Wang F, Zheng J, Liu Y & Lambers H. 2020. Phosphorus-fertilisation has differential effects on leaf growth and photosynthetic capacity of Arachis hypogaea L. Plant and Soil 447, 99-116. [PDF] [HTML]
Hayes PE, Clode PL, Guilherme Pereira C & Lambers H. 2019. Calcium modulates leaf cell-specific phosphorus allocation in Proteaceae from south-western Australia. Journal of Experimental Botany 70 (15), 3995-4009. [PDF] [HTML]
Guilherme Pereira C, Hayes PE, O'Sullivan OS, Weerasinghe LK, Clode PL, Atkin OK & Lambers H. 2019. Trait convergence in photosynthetic nutrient-use efficiency along a 2-million year dune chronosequence in a global biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Ecology 107 (4), 2006-2023. [PDF] [HTML]
Hayes PE*, Guilherme Pereira C*, Clode PL & Lambers H. 2019. Calcium‐enhanced phosphorus toxicity in calcifuge and soil‐indifferent Proteaceae along the Jurien Bay chronosequence. New Phytologist 221 (2), 764-777. [PDF] [HTML] | * joint-first authors
Guilherme Pereira C, Clode PL, Oliveira RS & Lambers H. 2018. Eudicots from severely phosphorus-impoverished environments preferentially allocate phosphorus to their mesophyll. New Phytologist 218 (3), 959-973. [PDF] [HTML]
Scatigna AV, Souza VC, Guilherme Pereira C, Sartori MA & Simões AO. 2015. Philcoxia rhizomatosa (Gratioleae, Plantaginaceae): a new carnivorous species from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Phytotaxa 226 (3), 275-280. [PDF] [Preview]
Guilherme Pereira C, Almenara DP, Winter CE, Fritsch PW, Lambers H & Oliveira RS. 2012. Underground leaves of Philcoxia trap and digest nematodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 109 (4), 1154-1158. [PDF] [HTML]
- Research highlighted in "Plant gobbles buried worms". Nature (2012) 481, 214-215.
- Article commented by Nature, Science, National Geographic and Scientific American.
- One of the 30 most downloaded papers published in PNAS during the month of its publication.
Book Chapters
Oliveira RS, Abrahão A, Guilherme Pereira C, Teodoro GS, Monteiro Junior MB, Alcantara S & Lambers H. 2016. Ecophysiology of Campos Rupestres Plants. In: Geraldo Wilson Fernandes (Org.). Ecology and Conservation of Mountaintop Grasslands in Brazil. Springer International Publishing, 227-272.
Guilherme Pereira C & Oliveira RS. 2010. Philcoxia: A New Genus of Carnivorous Plants. In: Stewart McPherson (Org.). Carnivorous Plants and Their Habitats. Ed. Redfern Natural History, Vol. 02, 1088-1103.
- Book commented by Michael Fay in "Carnivorous Plants and Their Habitats". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (2011) 165, 439-440.
- 2012 Literature Award Nominee for significant contribution to the literature of botany. The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries.